Why Cyber Resiliency Is the Backbone of a Secure Managed File Transfer (MFT) Solution

By: Brandon Shores | June 18th, 2024
Cyber threats aren’t just a looming concern nowadays—they’re an imminent reality that affects millions of organizations every year.

As these threats turn into frequent attacks and grow more sophisticated, it’s important to strongly consider cyber resiliency when choosing a managed file transfer (MFT) provider and solution.

More organizations are planning to increase security investments as a result of a breach, including incident response (IR) planning and testing, employee training, and threat detection and response tools. This is especially critical for your managed file transfer (MFT) solution, which is integral to the secure movement of sensitive data both within your organization and via trading partners.

According to a recent report, cybercrime is expected to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, up from $3 trillion in 2015. 

Let’s take a closer look at the importance of cyber resiliency in MFT managed service solutions, how it ensures uninterrupted business operations, and how our cybersecurity strategy can help maximize business continuity and protect your critical assets. 

Understanding cyber resiliency

Cyber resiliency boils down to your organization’s ability to anticipate, withstand, recover from, and adapt to adverse cyber events. It extends beyond simple prevention and encompasses the maintenance of operational integrity during and after an attack. Cyberattacks like ransomware, phishing, and advanced persistent threats (APTs) are not only more common but also increasingly complex. For organizations like yours managing sensitive data transfers—the risks are particularly high as a single cyberattack can result in financial devastation, reputational damage, hefty regulatory fines, and operational disruption.

Why cyber resiliency matters for MFT solutions

Data protection & privacy
Your MFT solution is designed to securely transfer data and often involves highly sensitive and confidential information. That’s why it’s important to leverage one that places a high level of focus on cyber resiliency. With data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA imposing strict compliance requirements, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality is not just a best practice anymore—it’s a legal imperative.

According to Gartner, the average cost of IT downtime is $5,600 per minute.

Keywords to look for include robust encryption, proactive threat detection, seamless recovery protocols, and continuous monitoring. Make sure your provider and solution offers those features to ensure your data remains protected at all times.

Business continuity
If your business has experienced a cyberattack, you know how operations can be significantly interrupted. A resilient MFT solution guarantees business continuity, even during a cyberattack. That’s why it’s critical to find a provider that implements robust recovery protocols and ensures swift restoration of services. This will enable you to minimize downtime and maintain productivity and operational continuity–critical for keeping customer trust and meeting service level agreements (SLAs). 

Proactive threat management
Cyber resiliency involves continuous monitoring and proactive threat detection. Your MFT provider should be able to identify and neutralize threats before they cause significant harm to protect you from damaging breaches. Consider a provider and solution that utilizes advanced threat intelligence and machine learning algorithms for real-time analysis, faster response times, and protective defense. 

IBM states that companies that use AI and automation in their cybersecurity efforts can save an average of $3.81 million per data breach.

Adaptability to emerging threats
The cyber threat landscape continues to evolve with new vulnerabilities and attack vectors constantly emerging. So it comes at no surprise that organizations with mature cyber resilience strategies experience significantly fewer disruptions and recover faster from incidents. 

Look for an MFT solution that is adaptable and continuously advancing to counter new threats. That adaptability is achieved through regular updates, patch management, and the integration of cutting-edge security technologies–which are features your provider should lay out for you upfront. 

Building a resilient MFT infrastructure
The key to cultivating a resilient MFT infrastructure requires a multi-layered approach from your provider and solution. This includes end-to-end encryption to ensure data integrity, 24/7 monitoring for real-time threat detection and response, and incident response plans that are regularly updated. Regular security audits and risk assessments are crucial for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, while continuous employee training on cybersecurity best practices is essential for maintaining a vigilant security posture.

Our core security philosophy

At CoEnterprise, our cybersecurity strategy is continuously tested and fortified via a verified zero-trust approach. Unlike traditional security models that operate on the assumption that internal systems can be trusted, zero-trust operates on the principle of “never trust, always verify.” This means every access request, whether it originates from inside or outside the network, is rigorously vetted. By adopting this approach, we ensure that our clients’ data and systems are always safeguarded against unauthorized access and potential breaches. It’s not just about responding to incidents–it’s about being proactive and resilient. Our disaster recovery plans include robust backup solutions, stringent encryption protocols, and additional security measures to safeguard against data breaches and unauthorized access.

  • Disaster recovery (DR) framework to keep your business running smoothly and back online within 15 minutes (data loss limited to a maximum of 30 minutes)
  • Fully prepared offsite locations, up-to-date and ready for deployment
  • Production and disaster recovery site separation
  • Continuous monitoring and updates
  • Comprehensive business continuity plan
  • Fast response to internal/external events
  • Regular review and communication

Our holistic approach to cybersecurity and business continuity is designed to protect your most important assets—your data, your partner relationships, and your reputation. By continuously testing and refining our zero-trust model, maintaining rapid disaster recovery capabilities, and regularly updating our security measures, we provide our clients with peace of mind in an unpredictable digital world. 

With CoEnterprise by your side, you can focus on what you do best, knowing that your business continuity and data protection are in expert hands.

Want to learn more?

Our integration practice helps companies like yours solve many of their common daily integration challenges. From communication strategy, data transformation, and translation to data security, visibility, and analytics—we pride ourselves on being experts on everything integration. That paired with our outstanding client service makes us stand out.

To learn more about how our experts can help you secure your applications, contact us today for a free consultation.

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